National Donor Day

While February 14th is most known as Valentine’s Day, it’s also the day that we recognize National Donor Day, a day to raise awareness for the life-saving benefits of donation.

Started in 1998, National Donor Day was created by the Saturn Corporation and its partner, the United Auto Workers. It’s supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as well as many health groups. This day is not only about organ donation, but also the need for tissue, marrow, platelet and blood.

According to the Organ Donation Alliance, every 10 minutes, a new name is added to the national transplant waiting list, consisting of more than 113,000 people, while 22 people die everyday waiting for an organ transplant. In addition, one in seven people entering a hospital require a blood transfusion.

Regardless of age or medical history, anyone can be a donor. […]