
Employee Profile: Christine Tunstall, RN, PHRN, CFRN

Job Title: Sr. Professional Flight Nurse II

How many years at STATMedEvac:  7 years

  • Christine started out as a first responder while in college and eventually took an EMT class while attending Penn State in 1995. She loved it so much that she came back to Pittsburgh and started working EMS full time. She had started her college career as a music major!
  • She became a paramedic in 1998 and started working for McCandless Franklin Park Ambulance – She is still employed in some capacity ever since, for a total of 24 years.
  • Christine is a self-proclaimed crazy cat mom to six beautiful kitties: Noodle, Callie, Gizmo, Jack, Pretzel, and Cheddar!
  • She earned a second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
  • Not only does she love emergency medicine, but Christine also loves the heart, and works at […]
Employee Profile: Christine Tunstall, RN, PHRN, CFRN2022-07-18T07:59:55-04:00

Employee Profile: Scott Spencer RN, PHRN, CFRN

Job Title: Sr. Professional Flight Nurse II

How many years at STATMedEvac:  5 years

  • Scott is a proud husband and father to three amazing boys (13, 10, and 6).  He also has a 4-legged child, 2 y/o Zuri, who is their 3rd rescue Great Dane.
  • He brings his violin to work (most days) to practice.  He has been playing for about 5 years now.  Scott has played multiple instruments since age 4.  The band he plays with, Leap of Faith, currently has 3 songs professionally recorded.  You can find them on Spotify and Apple music.  The band is back in the recording studio working on 3 more songs.
  • Scott is currently enrolled at Capella University to complete his BSN.
  • He is based at MedEvac 4 out of Allegheny County Airport.  Scott says “It’s been a great […]
Employee Profile: Scott Spencer RN, PHRN, CFRN2022-07-06T14:19:29-04:00

Employee Profiles: Sarah Anderson, Regional Medical Manager

Job Title: Regional Medical Manager

How many years at STATMedEvac:  13 years

  1.  I’m a Mama to one human, Lia (2 years), and one pug, Winston Churchill (14 years).
  2. I love glitter, iced coffee, friends, Disney, and all.of.the.animals.
  3. I’m originally from Lebanon County, PA (small, rural, central PA)
  4. My first job/volunteer opportunity was as a candy striper at a local hospital and I absolutely LOVED it.
  5. The best part of working for STAT MedEvac is the people I’ve met and worked with over the last 13 years both within and outside of STAT.  They’re the absolute best; smart, funny, and genuine.  They really know how to make life fun and I’m just so happy to be a part of this with them.

Employee Profiles: Sarah Anderson, Regional Medical Manager2022-06-17T17:41:09-04:00

Employee Profiles: Maggie Zaliponi, Sr. Prof Flight Nurse II & Bill Walls, Professional Flight Paramedic

Meet Maggie Zaliponi, Sr. Prof Flight Nurse II, BSN
Years of service 27, MedEvac 15 Base
  1. Wanted to be a flight nurse since she was 6, after watching a 1976 episode of “Emergency” with a helicopter in it.
  2. Was an Explorer with Lower Valley Ambulance at 14 years old, EMT at age 16 with West Deer EMS. She used to get out of school for ambulance calls.
  3. Her high school senior bio stated “plans to go to nursing school and become a flight nurse “.
  4. Went to West Penn Hospital Nursing school and started in the MICU right after graduation in 1991 and eventually transitioned to the Burn Trauma ICU.
  5. While always working towards her goal of being a flight nurse and was ultimately hired at STAT MedEvac on May 23, […]
Employee Profiles: Maggie Zaliponi, Sr. Prof Flight Nurse II & Bill Walls, Professional Flight Paramedic2022-05-07T01:30:21-04:00

Employee Profile: Allan Slagle NREMT-P, FP-C

Allan Slagle NREMT-P, FP-C
Years of Service – 3
  • Allan spends most of his days off chasing his toddler around.
  • He loves climbing and often has a bouldering pad in his trunk during the summer months.
  • Allan has been to the northeastern and southeastern tips of the continental US.
  • He knows how to cook paella.
  • Even though Allan lived in Colorado for 5 years, he never learned to ski until moving to PA, then he became a ski instructor!
Employee Profile: Allan Slagle NREMT-P, FP-C2022-04-01T16:18:51-04:00

Shaun Eggleton, RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN, CEN

Shaun Eggleton, RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN, CEN
Years at STAT MedEvac: 5
  • Shaun is currently enrolled in classes to obtain his Masters in Nursing.
  • He was the first CCT Ground nurse for STAT MedEvac.
  • Shaun tries to run away from Pennsylvania as much as possible and go on cruises.
  • He owns 3 aquariums, 2 of which are saltwater.
Shaun Eggleton, RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN, CEN2022-04-19T01:53:27-04:00
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