
Employee Profile: Megan Habina


Blonde in black STAT polo shirt

Megan Habina 

Communications Specialist

Years of service – STAT MedEvac – 1 year (9 years total UPMC)
  • Megan loves sunflowers and dogs
  • She is the aunt of 3 little boys – soon to be 4
  • Megan loves Starbucks 
  • She has been to Cancun twice 
  • Summer is Megan’s favorite season; she loves bonfires and concerts!
Employee Profile: Megan Habina2022-12-05T16:33:44-05:00

Employee Profile: Ryan Senica

Ryan Senica MHA, FP-C, NRP, CMTE

Regional Medical Manager – ME9 and ME11

Years of Service – 7.5 (3rd year as a regional medical manager)

  • Ryan is terrified of heights, but the skill and experience of STAT MedEvac pilots makes him confident in his safety when flying.
  • He has 5 birds. A green cheek conure named Hamlet, and 4 parakeets (Lovey, Snuggles, Pistachio, and Indy).
  • Ryan graduated from Point Park University with a 4.0 GPA earning a Master’s of Science in Healthcare Administration
  • Ryan has been in EMS for 19 years and continues to work for a few ground ALS services.  He has spent 20 years in the fire service where he currently serves as 1st Assistant Chief for his local volunteer fire department.
  • The only time Ryan has been out of the country was for a STAT MedEvac […]
Employee Profile: Ryan Senica2022-11-16T15:55:27-05:00

Employee Profile: Katie Pyrdek


Katie Pyrdek, BSN, RN, PHRN, CFRN

Senior Professional Flight Nurse

Years of Service: 7

Fun facts:

  • When in high school, Katie did not know EMS as a career existed. She was randomly placed in a first responder class in high school – and tried to promptly switch out! No luck. She was stuck in the class, and eventually progressed to an EMT class, later joining a local fire department. As a volunteer firefighter at 17 y/o,  Katie soon realized that she wanted to be a flight nurse after experiencing a dual ship scene run! After becoming a nurse and working in a trauma ICU, she confirmed her long-term goal of becoming a flight nurse.
  • Katie spends most of her free time in the woods with her 2 German Shorthair Pointers Dexter and Duncan; each […]
Employee Profile: Katie Pyrdek2022-11-02T16:08:48-04:00

Employee Profile: Dylan Morris


Dylan Morris, MD, MBA

Assistant Medical Director

Years of Service: 4

Fun facts:

  • Dr. Morris spends most of his non-STAT time pretending he has any semblance of control over his toddler.
  • While learning to speak French, Dylan once tried to ask for a glass of milk but instead told the waitress she had very large breasts. 
  • He loves to travel and has visited over 60 countries.
  • He pretends he can keep up with Dr. Guyette when they run, but they both know he can’t. 
Employee Profile: Dylan Morris2022-10-17T15:36:40-04:00

Employee Profile: Charissa A Lynn


Sr. Professional Flight Nurse

STAT MedEvac 9

Years of Service – 3

    • Charissa has been a nurse for 15 years and has 19 years of prehospital experience.
    • She is one of only 100 Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN) Superstars, holding all 5 BCEN certifications. Additionally, she holds a certification in CCRN.
    • Charissa is married with one son who has an ultra-rare genetic disease; Gatad2b chromosomal disorder. 
    • She was a National Park Ranger prior to becoming a nurse. 
    • Charissa loves to crochet.
Employee Profile: Charissa A Lynn2022-10-03T18:03:59-04:00

Employee Profile: Brett Stanga

Brett Stanga, NREMPT, FP-C

Years employed: 5

Title: Senior Professional Flight Paramedic

Fun Facts:

  • In addition to being a flight paramedic, Brett is also a police officer.
  • Brett is a private pilot with instrument ratings
  • He is a certified SCUBA diver
  • In his spare time, Brett enjoys performing arts, golf, traveling, and riding his motorcycle.
Employee Profile: Brett Stanga2022-09-14T15:57:14-04:00

Employee Profile: Dan Balk, Communications Supervisor

Meet Dan Balk

Job Title: Communications Supervisor

Years of Service: 9

Fun facts:

  • Dan enjoys traveling across the country to hunt various game.
  • He is from Upstate NY, and is a NY Jets fan.
  • During his off time Dan enjoys spending time with his wife and two children.
  • Dan enjoys building computers as a hobby.
Employee Profile: Dan Balk, Communications Supervisor2022-09-03T13:04:24-04:00

It’s a Small World After All

The EMS industry is a small town in a globalized world of connectivity. Professionals in the industry are bound to cross paths at some point in their careers, whether from catastrophic forces of nature, such as The Johnstown Flood, or through innovative training and research at the Center for Emergency Medicine in Pittsburgh. Many build each other up for success with ingenuity and technological advancement during their colorful journey through the medical and EMS realm. Kevin L. Parrish, now a Lead Clinical Research Associate at Sanofi Pharmaceutical, portrays a vibrant past that started in Indiana, PA. Additionally, as a little-known fact, a lot of history that has paved way to the advancement of medical services started out in Southwestern Pennsylvania ranging from leaders to medical technologies. 

Since it is common for those in the EMS […]

It’s a Small World After All2022-08-26T18:11:28-04:00

Employee Profile: Scott Bierman, Communications Specialist

Meet Scott Bierman

Job Title: Communications Specialist

Years of Service: 9

  • Scott enjoys photography and has been a shutterbug since his early teens. He has multiple SLR’s and has been published by a local newspaper.
  • He enjoys spending time with his two beagles, Shiksa and Babka. They are aunt and niece, respectively. Babka is still a pup.
  • Scott has become fairly adept at home improvements and enjoy working on his 110 year old house.
  • He also likes working on cars and wishes he owned a classic or antique.
  • Scott has two children – Bill and Miranda.  Bill followed his Dad into EMS and is a paramedic with Penn Hills.
  • Scott has worked in EMS as both an EMT and Paramedic. He was trained at the Center for Emergency Medicine(CEM) in 1983 when it was located at Victoria Hall on […]
Employee Profile: Scott Bierman, Communications Specialist2022-08-16T18:30:12-04:00

Employee Profile: Eugene Macaraeg, BSN, CFRN, NRP, FP-C

Job Title: Education Coordinator-East, Flight Nurse

Gene started at STAT MedEvac as a flight paramedic in March 2009. His next career moves included graduating from nursing school, working in a hospital ICU, and then working as a flight nurse.


  1. Gene is married with 2 boys and a fur daughter (South African Mastiff)
  2. He received his undergraduate degree from Denison University in 1998 and played Big Red Football and club lacrosse.
  3. Gene started his career in the Army Reserve as a medic in 1998, paramedic in 2003, BSN from University of Maryland 2015.
  4. Gene coaches his son’s lacrosse team, and he plays in an adult lacrosse league.
  5. In addition to his passion for medicine, Gene’s other passion is playing Lacrosse.
    • He is proud to be playing in this charity event to support American veterans Shootout for Soldiers in Baltimore […]
Employee Profile: Eugene Macaraeg, BSN, CFRN, NRP, FP-C2022-08-02T21:46:30-04:00
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