Employee Profile: Glenn Shields
Glenn Shields Line Pilot - STAT MedEvac 5 Years of Service - 14 Glenn went to Initial Entry Rotary Wing flight school with STAT MedEvac Regional Aviation Manager Bill Horner in 1999. He spent [...]
STAT MedEvac Airpod – So You Want To Be an EMS Pilot?
William Horner, EMS pilot and Regional Manager for STAT MedEvac takes time to chat witih Kristen regarding his "dream job" as an EMS Pilot. Where does one learn to be a pilot? [...]
Five Ways to Improve Heart Health
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson issued the first proclamation declaring February American Heart Month. It’s to draw more [...]
Employee Profile: Darren Redding
Darren Redding RN, BSN, CCRN, PHRN, CFRN Senior Professional Flight Nurse II STAT MedEvac 7 Years of Experience - 7 During his time at STAT MedEvac, Darren has rotated through all 18 bases including [...]
STAT MedEvac Airpod – Carbon Monoxide Detection and Detectors
Thanks to Chief Tom Bell of the Greensburg Fire Department for having a chat about carbon monoxide. As we are in the throws of winter and our houses are closed up, this [...]
Employee Profile: Ciara Rupp
Ciara Rupp RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN Senior Professional Flight Nurse II STAT MedEvac 6 Years of Service - 11 Fun (or not so fun) facts: Â Ciara is a Boy Mom. Â Aunt CiCi to her [...]