
Employee Profile: Jennifer Mummey


Jennifer Mummey NRP, FP-C

Sr. Professional Flight Paramedic II

Medevac 10

Years of service – 4

  • Jenn and her husband have two sons,  Andrew (3) and Matthew (6 weeks)
  • Jenn has been a volunteer firefighter/medic since 2013 
  • She loves animals especially dogs 
  • Basketball is her go to sport to watch and play 
Employee Profile: Jennifer Mummey2025-03-16T20:45:22-04:00

2024 Award for Commitment and Excellence in Service

We are thrilled to announce the recipient of our 2024 Award for Commitment and Excellence in Service (ACES). This prestigious award honors staff who exemplify our five core values, which are the foundation of everything we do.

Congratulations to Tracy Dee, Communications Supervisor for STAT-MD! Tracy received heartfelt nominations from two of her employees, highlighting her exceptional dedication and service. The award was presented to Tracy on Friday, February 28th, while she was impressively multitasking—working a vacant Medical Coordinator shift and training two new medical coordinators.

Tracy’s nomination was filled with praise, including phrases like “above and beyond,” “constantly caring about others,” and “listens with empathy.” These qualities truly embody the spirit of the ACES award.

Please join us in congratulating Tracy for this well-deserved recognition.


2024 Award for Commitment and Excellence in Service2025-03-12T19:09:14-04:00

Randall A Ott Obituary

Our hearts are heavy this week with the passing of one of our own, Randall Ott, after a brief battle with cancer. Randy dedicated many years of his life in service to the critically ill or injured, including working for STAT MedEvac out of Youngstown. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, as well as his STAT MedEvac family. He will truly be missed.
Randall A Ott Obituary2025-03-12T19:23:52-04:00

Employee Profile: Jana Beene

Jana Beene, RN, PHRN, Flight Nurse

Years of service- 6 months 

STATMedEvac 16

  • Jana has a horse named Redd and two dogs, Annabelle and Archie
  • She has a large snow globe collection
  • Jana loves to travel! In less than one year, she has traveled to 15 states and 2 separate countries/territories.
  • She is a huge coffee fanatic, Jana can’t pass up a good latte!
Employee Profile: Jana Beene2025-03-03T12:10:16-05:00

National Cancer Prevention Month

February is observed as National Cancer Prevention Month. This month aims to raise awareness about cancer prevention and encourage individuals to take proactive steps to educate and reduce their risks when it comes to cancer.

Nearly 1.9 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States. Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do about hereditary risks that are not controllable, but there are steps that you can take to better your odds. By attending annual doctor appointments and talking to your doctor about your risk factors, you can learn more about the preventative steps that you would need to take in order to help avoid a cancer diagnosis.

According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 40 percent of all cancer diagnoses can be linked to a preventable cause .While we can’t stop all forms of cancer, we can […]

National Cancer Prevention Month2025-02-26T10:43:09-05:00

National Donor Day

While February 14th is most known as Valentine’s Day, it’s also the day that we recognize National Donor Day, a day to raise awareness for the life-saving benefits of donation.

Started in 1998, National Donor Day was created by the Saturn Corporation and its partner, the United Auto Workers. It’s supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as well as many health groups. This day is not only about organ donation, but also the need for tissue, marrow, platelet and blood.

According to the Organ Donation Alliance, every 10 minutes, a new name is added to the national transplant waiting list, consisting of more than 113,000 people, while 22 people die everyday waiting for an organ transplant. In addition, one in seven people entering a hospital require a blood transfusion.

Regardless of age or medical history, anyone can be a donor. […]

National Donor Day2025-02-11T10:24:17-05:00

2025 EMS Trend Survey

Share your feedback in this year’s EMS Trend Survey: What Paramedics Want in 2025 and help shape policies, training and resources for the future. This year’s survey will dial into barriers to physical health and wellness, technology adoption and lights and siren usage, as well as emerging trends, like electric vehicles, AI and alternate response models.

The results will culminate in the What Paramedics Want in 2025 state-of-the-industry report, released during the 2025 Pinnacle EMS Leadership Forum in July.

We invite EMS field providers, supervisors, senior leadership and educators from all service types and response areas to participate and share the survey before it closes on Feb. 14.

Produced by EMS1 and Fitch & Associates, the survey continues the 10-year effort to engage providers to share their voices on what EMS trends, threats and opportunities mean to them.


2025 EMS Trend Survey2025-01-28T10:50:14-05:00

STAT MedEvac Airpod – Winter Operations Precautions

greg winkle stat medevac pittsburgh

Greg Winkle, STAT MedEvac’s Regional Field Support Maintenance Manager talks about special precautions with operations and maintenance in the winter months.  From salt that can corrode helicopter’s parts, inside and out to precautions when there is snow at the LZ.

STAT MedEvac Airpod – Winter Operations Precautions2025-01-22T00:57:35-05:00

National Blood Donor Month

January is National Blood Donor Month. The first month of the year packs a punch with the impactful reminder of the importance of donating blood. This is normally the time of the year for reduced donations and an increased risk for blood shortages, due to the holidays, cold and flu season, and winter weather.

This national month started more than 50 years ago when President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation declaring January as Blood Donor Month. Donating blood directly saves lives by: 

  • Providing a vital resource for patients needing transfusions in emergencies. 
  • Providing a vital resource during surgeries or for chronic illnesses. 
  • A single donation can potentially help multiple people by being […]
National Blood Donor Month2025-01-08T12:55:35-05:00

STAT MedEvac Helps Santa Visit Children At Children’s Hospital

Last week, STAT MedEvac gave the reindeer the day off and took Santa to visit children at UPMC Children’s Hospital in Harrisburg. It’s a lovely tradition that STAT MedEvac and Santa had started years ago and we hope will continue for many years to come. You can find the full article on Penn Live’s website: Santa arrives by MedEvac helicopter to visit children at UPMC Harrisburg hospital –
Santa and STAT MedEvac also made the trip to the Herman & Walter Samuelson Children’s Hospital earlier this week. You can read the full story about Santa’s journey there on the WMAR website: Santa visits children at Herman & Walter Samuelson Children’s Hospital at Sinai

STAT MedEvac Helps Santa Visit Children At Children’s Hospital2024-12-21T10:32:06-05:00
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