Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson issued the first proclamation declaring February American Heart Month. It’s to draw more attention to taking action to protect yourself against heart disease, but what does it actually mean to protect yourself against heart disease?
Here are five ways that you can take a step in the right direction:
- Take charge of your own health. You’re the one that needs to make this a priority. This means making sure you’re doing your annual check ups and getting regular screenings on your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and body mass index.
- Balance calories eaten with physical activity. It can sometimes be difficult to fit working out into your schedule, but it’s important to make the time for it. A work out doesn’t have to take place at the gym for it to be successful. Taking a 30-minute walk or getting outside to play with your children can be extremely beneficial.
- Eat healthfully. Again, a busy work schedule doesn’t always allow for the most mindful meals, but if you can plan ahead, it will definitely help your diet plan. By cutting back on salt, consistently eating more fruits and vegetables and including a solid protein source into your diet, you will at least help to balance on the days when you can’t eat the best.
- Sleep. While that might be hard to prioritize, when it comes to having children to take care of or a hard workload, getting rest is a priority for your health. Having a consistent bedtime and wake-up time each day can be extremely beneficial practice. Also limiting your screen time, including your cell phone and tv watching, before bed can help with a more restful night sleep.
- Drink sensibly. There has been a lot of research done on alcohol, but nothing is more conclusive than limiting your intake will be the most beneficial to your health. Even one alcoholic drink can increase your blood pressure, so making sure that you’re drinking a minimal amount of alcohol, while prioritizing water is the key.
While the focus of February may be heart disease, your health should be your priority every day. Life may have a way of interrupting our health journey and may set us up with a few setbacks, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get right back into working at it again. Remember, you’re the only one in control of your health, so make sure you use your time wisely to give yourself the best opportunity to live the healthiest life possible.