STAT MedEvac Staff

About STAT MedEvac Staff

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So far STAT MedEvac Staff has created 152 blog entries.

Employee Profile: Joyce Fee

Joyce Fee – RN, BSN, CFRN, CCRN

Flight Nurse

Years of Service – 26+

  • On March 17, 2024, Joyce will have worked at STAT for 27 wonderful years.
  • She was honored as the Pennsylvania PHRN of the year in 2005 as well being honored as the STAT MedEvac flight nurse of the year in 2005.
  • Joyce has been a CCRN for 36 years and plans to never let that lapse!
  • Joyce and her husband raise Hereford beef cattle and farm about 175 acres.
  • She loves to ride the trails on her horse and hopes to go out West soon to trail ride and work on a cattle drive!
  • Joyce says “Being a flight nurse at STAT MedEvac is best when surrounded by our outstanding pilots, mechanics, and paramedics with […]
Employee Profile: Joyce Fee2024-01-02T08:25:51-05:00

Employee Profile: Charlene Malecki


Charlene Malecki RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN

Senior Professional Flight Nurse II

Stat MedEvac 16

Years of Service- 20

Fun Facts:

  • Charlene began her career as a flight nurse in 1989, performing critical care and IABP transports for St. Francis Medical Center. Time does “fly”, when you love what you do!
  • She is dedicated to improving the quality and safety of patient care and the transport environment, working as a Site Surveyor for “The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems” (camts), inspecting patient transport services since 2013.
  • She is a proud mother of 2 amazing adult children.
  • When not working, she loves to travel. Recently traveling to Bangkok, Thailand.
Employee Profile: Charlene Malecki2023-12-13T11:28:50-05:00


We’re excited to give you an update on STATCOM! Things are coming together for STAT MedEvac’s new communication center. As of this week, furniture has been assembled, monitors installed and electricians are completing their tasks. Some work still has to be done, but we’re hoping to start off the new year with a target of opening the doors in late January of 2024.

Make sure you follow STAT MedEvac on all social media platforms to stay up to date with the latest details on the new STATCOM.

STATCOM Update2023-12-07T12:37:11-05:00

Employee Profile Gary Kopcho

Gary Kopcho

System Analyst – Senior

Years of Service – 5

  • Gary started with the UPMC Health System in February 2012.  He transferred to CEM/STAT MedEvac in December 2018.
  • He has as two daughters;  15-year-old Madison and 15-month-old Blake.
  • Gary joined the Homeville Volunteer Fire Company in October 2003, and is currently serving as Assistant Chief.
  • He enjoys taking family and friends camping as much as possible and visiting new locations.
  • Gary loves having cookouts during the summertime with family and friends.
Employee Profile Gary Kopcho2023-11-17T10:45:40-05:00

Employee Profile Greg Winkle

Greg Winkle

Regional Field Support Maintenance Manager

19 years of service

Fun facts:

  • Greg is an avid cyclist.
  • He loves to cook- especially in the brick oven that he built.
  • One of the coolest things that he worked on was a hot air balloon for a famous English adventurist!
  • One of the things he loves most about STAT MedEvac are his coworkers!
Employee Profile Greg Winkle2023-12-01T10:13:35-05:00

5 Tips For Working in Healthcare During The Holidays


Whether you like it or not, the holidays are right around the corner. While the idea of the holiday season may look nice in a Hallmark movie, we know it’s anything but that in the real world. Especially if you work in the medical or public safety field. It can be tough on your body; Physically, mentally and emotionally. While there is no easy fix to working through the holiday season, here are five tips to help you keep in check and stay on the right path to working during the most hectic time of the year: 


  1. Plan ahead. Easier said than done, especially when it comes to the healthcare field, but the more prepared you are for the chaos the better. Start decorating, cooking, cleaning and shopping ahead of […]
5 Tips For Working in Healthcare During The Holidays2023-11-06T15:42:51-05:00

Employee Profile Caroline Levin


Caroline Levin, BSN, RN, CEN, CCRN, CFRN, PHRN

Education Coordinator

Years of Service – 6


Fun facts:

  • Caroline has been a nurse for 11 years.
  • She enjoys traveling and recently took a trip to Colombia and the rain forest.
  • In her spare time,  she teaches spin classes at Steel House Cycle in Lawrenceville.
  • There are few things Caroline enjoys more than a good pun or dad joke.
  • She has a black cat named Zorro who helps her embrace Spooky season every year by tolerating his Halloween costumes.
  • Caroline is originally from Annapolis, MD and moved to Pittsburgh early this year, she is now a self-proclaimed “true seafood snob.”
  • She is notorious for trying to bring “fun” to every shift, last year for the Day of the Dead, Caroline brought sugar skull masks for the entire crew to wear.
  • Caroline is a practice CFRN exam question writer for the […]
Employee Profile Caroline Levin2023-11-03T12:28:57-04:00

National First Responders Day 2023

National First Responders Day is a day to honor the service and sacrifice of those answering the call in their communities. The day is recognized every year on October 28, but shockingly enough, it didn’t start until 2019, when a group of senators successfully passed a bill in legislation to mark the day. While there are several days dedicated exclusively to show appreciation to those who work in EMS professions, firefighters and law enforcement, National First Responders Day honors the collective work of all public safety professionals. Unfortunately, it took a tragedy to get the ball rolling on recognizing the day. 

The origin of this day can be traced back to the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 and the death of 26-year-old police officer, Sean Collier. After his death, Sean’s brother, Andrew, began advocating for the creation of First Responders Day to […]

National First Responders Day 20232023-10-25T18:44:53-04:00

Employee Profile John Licina


John Licina 

STAT MedEvac Communications

Communication Specialist III

Years of Service – 5

  • John started in EMS in 1998, while still in high school. He collects old guns and lava lamps.  His oldest gun is from the 1800s.  His oldest lava lamp is from the 1990s –  John would love to have a lava lamp at work 😊
  • John enjoys traveling and learning about other cultures.  And of course, part of that is trying new foods and treats.
  • He is a big history buff.  John went to school to be a high school history and political science teacher.
  • His faith is a big part of his life.
  • An odd fact that nobody knows about John – he has an extra back bone.  Despite this, he says he is still short.
  • John spends his free time reading and doing genealogy research.
Employee Profile John Licina2023-10-10T09:42:05-04:00

Emergency Nurses Week 2023

For over thirty years, the Emergency Nurses Association has recognized the second Wednesday in October as Emergency Nurses Day. In 2001, the association expanded the celebration to a full week to shine a bigger light on emergency nurses, their commitment to the health industry, and to recognize those who started this profession.

It all really started with one woman, Florence Nightingale. Born in Italy in 1820, Florence was homeschooled by her father and expected to get married at a young age. That wasn’t the case for Florence though, because when she was a teenager, Florence said she received a sign from God that she was to help the sick and poor. Nursing wasn’t a respected profession during that time and while her parents didn’t approve, Florence’s father eventually broke down and let her travel to Germany to study medicine.

By 33, Florence had made […]

Emergency Nurses Week 20232023-10-13T12:03:50-04:00
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