STAT MedEvac Staff

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So far STAT MedEvac Staff has created 152 blog entries.

National Caffeine Awareness Month


What’s your morning routine look like? Most would say that it involves pouring themselves a cup of coffee. Sometimes even two or three, depending on the morning and needing that extra energy, but as we’ve heard in the past and continue to study, caffeine is something we should tread lightly with. Since March is Caffeine Awareness Month, now would be a good time to discuss, how much is too much? 

Based on studies, up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day is safe for most healthy adults. That is four cups of coffee, ten cans of cola or two energy drinks a day, all depending on the caffeine content per beverage. While those are healthy levels suggested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, they suggest that you exercise extreme caution when it comes to caffeine in a powder form. It can […]

National Caffeine Awareness Month2024-03-06T09:26:30-05:00

Employee Profile: Glenn Shields

Glenn Shields
Line Pilot – STAT MedEvac 5
Years of Service – 14
  • Glenn went to Initial Entry Rotary Wing flight school with STAT MedEvac Regional Aviation Manager Bill Horner in 1999.
  • He spent half of his STAT career in the training department.
  • In the pictures are his wife Amy, sons Logan and Liam.
  • Glenn says his boys would be disappointed if he didn’t include a picture of their dog Minnie.
Employee Profile: Glenn Shields2024-03-01T08:56:41-05:00

STAT MedEvac Airpod – So You Want To Be an EMS Pilot?

STAT MedEvac Podcast

William Horner, EMS pilot and Regional Manager for STAT MedEvac takes time to chat witih Kristen regarding his “dream job” as an EMS Pilot.  Where does one learn to be a pilot?  How long does it take to become an EMS helicopter pilot and what attracted Bill to STAT MedEvac specifically?

STAT MedEvac Airpod – So You Want To Be an EMS Pilot?2024-02-19T09:06:34-05:00

Five Ways to Improve Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson issued the first proclamation declaring February American Heart Month. It’s to draw more attention to taking action to protect yourself against heart disease, but what does it actually mean to protect yourself against heart disease? 

Here are five ways that you can take a step in the right direction: 

  1. Take charge of your own health. You’re the one that needs to make this a priority. This means making sure you’re doing your annual check ups and getting regular screenings on your blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and body mass index. 
  2. Balance calories eaten with physical activity. It can sometimes be difficult to fit working out into your schedule, but it’s important to make the time for it. A […]
Five Ways to Improve Heart Health2024-02-19T07:37:34-05:00

Employee Profile: Darren Redding

Darren Redding RN, BSN, CCRN, PHRN, CFRN

Senior Professional Flight Nurse II

STAT MedEvac 7

Years of Experience – 7

  • During his time at STAT MedEvac,  Darren has rotated through all 18 bases including the ground unit.
  • Darren is the Lifeguard Supervisor at Presque Isle State Park.  He has been there for 22 years and even discovered a shipwreck off the park in 2006!!
  • He has completed a full and half Ironman triathlon.  He has also done multiple full and half marathons on three continents!
  • Darren has traveled to 10 different countries outside of North America
Employee Profile: Darren Redding2024-02-22T10:05:18-05:00

STAT MedEvac Airpod – Carbon Monoxide Detection and Detectors

STAT MedEvac AirPod Carbon Monoxide

Thanks to Chief Tom Bell of the Greensburg Fire Department for having a chat about carbon monoxide.  As we are in the throws of winter and our houses are closed up, this is a good time for all of us to be familiar with the assessment of carbon monoxide hazards as well as the detectors that many fire departments make available.

STAT MedEvac Airpod – Carbon Monoxide Detection and Detectors2024-01-31T09:43:10-05:00

Employee Profile: Ciara Rupp

Ciara Rupp RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN

Senior Professional Flight Nurse II

STAT MedEvac 6

Years of Service – 11

Fun (or not so fun) facts:

  1.  Ciara is a Boy Mom.
  2.  Aunt CiCi to her sweet niece Emma.
  3.  Ciara is an avid runner and biker. She is running in her first marathon in May.
  4.  She loves hunting and fishing with her boys.
  5. Saturdays in the fall are spent at her son’s college football games.
  6. Ciara will attend Duquesne University in May for her AGAC-NP (Adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner).
Employee Profile: Ciara Rupp2024-02-05T09:48:39-05:00

Employee Profile: Gabe Diamond

Gabe Diamond

Senior Professional Flight Paramedic II

Years of services – 5.5 years

Fun facts:

  • Gabe enjoys baking on his off time – ask his coworkers about the strawberry cheesecake cupcakes!!
  • He is a self-taught computer programmer – there’s an App for that!!
  • Gabe tried to get a skydiving license,  but he hurt his ankle on his second jump.
  • His favorite vacation spot – Berlin
  • Gabe says he’s the worst singer he knows!
  • He teaches EMT and Paramedic students as well as Critical Care Paramedics!
Employee Profile: Gabe Diamond2024-01-11T11:10:11-05:00

STAT MedEvac Airpod – Frost Bite/Cold Weather Injuries

STAT MEdEvac Podcast Frost Bite

Kristen talks to Dr. Jenny Ziembicki, Medical Director of the UPMC/Mercy Burn Center about cold weather emergencies such as frost bite.  What is it?  How do first responders assess and treat it properly.  How to first responders prevent themselves from cold weather injuries when on calls?

STAT MedEvac Airpod – Frost Bite/Cold Weather Injuries2024-01-12T08:03:16-05:00

STATCOM Update – January 2024

We have so much to look forward to in the new year, including STATCOM! We figured a good start to the year would be giving you a look and an update of STATCOM, with the monitors in place. We’re one step closer to going live & we hope that you’re excited about it as we are. 

There is no set date just yet when we will be live, but when we have that date, we will be sure to show you around. 

STATCOM Update – January 20242024-01-10T10:32:58-05:00
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