A STAT MedEvac life-saving spotlight: Mike Schreyer
Doing the right thing with Senior Professional Flight Nurse II Mike Schreyer
Meet Mike Schreyer, RN CFRN HP, who is one of STAT MedEvac’s longest-tenured flight crew members. He is a Senior Professional Flight Nurse II based out of Greensburg, PA. Get to know Schreyer through the following Q&A STAT MedEvac spotlight:
How long have you been with STAT MedEvac?
I started work as an ICU and ER nurse and flew for a competing program out of Johnstown, PA. I transferred to Altoona Regional, at the time, to help start their trauma program as the director of pre-hospital care working through the ER. I was also instrumental in bringing STAT MedEvac to Altoona, starting the aircraft base there in 2001. “It’s been a long time.”
How did you get to a senior level?
Time, ongoing education, and experience, but completing projects and following through with […]