STAT MedEvac Staff

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So far STAT MedEvac Staff has created 152 blog entries.

Cultivating Strong EMS Leadership Beyond The Street

Recently, local and EMS professionals from around the country attended Beyond the Street (BTS) Workshopto sharpen and enhance their leadership skillset. According to Anthony W. Minge, Ed.D., senior partner at Fitch & Associates, an emergency services consulting firm, cultivating leadership in the EMS industry is more important now than in any time in the history of the profession.

Recruitment and retention are trendy, top-of-mind topics in the industry. Top leaders are leaving the profession, because the old guard is retiring, but recruitment has not been replenishing at the same rate. Minge says, “We are losing a good amount of leadership from the people who  built this industry.”

“We have to fill that void and build up the people, either the ones climbing the ranks or just arriving in the industry,” Minge continues. “We bring professionals together nationwide to share their experience but also to master some of the basic management […]

Cultivating Strong EMS Leadership Beyond The Street2021-10-25T10:42:12-04:00


The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems is dedicated to improving the quality of patient care and safety of the transport environment.  Marion Jones, Flight Nurse, oversees the voluntary practices of maintaining the CAMTS standards. She explains why STAT MedEvac is dedicated to keeping this high standard.



Why Is This Week National Fire Prevention Week?

Every year, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) kicks off Fire Prevention Week by raising awareness for fire safety, promoting key safety messages, providing resources for kids of all ages as well as general, showcasing helpful information for best practices in fire safety. It’s the longest-running public health observance in the U.S.

Since 1922, The NFPA sponsors the observance of this week  starting on October 9 in commemoration of The Great Chicago Fire, which began on October 8, 1871. According to historical findings provided by the NFPA, the most famous fire in America killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400 structures, and burned more than 2,000 acres of land. To learn more, you can watch Lessons from History: The Chicago Fire of 1871 here.

According to National Geographic on The Great Chicago Fire and its rebuilding, a fire broke out in a barn on […]

Why Is This Week National Fire Prevention Week?2022-10-10T13:34:53-04:00

Having Difficult Conversations: Talking About Suicide in EMS

by Sheila G. Roth, PhD, LCSW, EMT

Sheila Roth

Individuals working in EMS such as (EMT’s, paramedics, flight crews and others) put their lives on the line to serve people every day.  These roles present unique challenges and stressors to health care providers and to their families. Yet, they are dedicated and give their all to do this work. In times of increased work stress such as mass casualty incidents, community violence, critical incidents, or a pandemic, the risk to these individuals is even greater.  Interestingly, providers don’t always receive appreciation from the people that receive their help, in fact, many people don’t realize the emotional toll of this work on providers and their families. So how much of a toll can this take?  One survey published in The Journal of Emergency Medical Services (2016) asked EMT’s and paramedics if they had contemplated or attempted suicide. […]

Having Difficult Conversations: Talking About Suicide in EMS2021-09-08T12:58:56-04:00

Yes, Gabe Has an App for That! 

A little more than 3 years ago, Gabe Diamond was working as a ground paramedic for the City of Pittsburgh EMS. He worked in an ER, as well as a few suburban EMS agencies, trying to learn more and build his experience at each place.

Fueled by the passion for a challenge, he applied to work for STAT MedEvac and was hired as a full-time flight paramedic. More pharmacology, interfacility patients, and helicopter operations were all part of the training with his mentor and preceptor, Joyce Fee.

He anticipated that making the change from ground medicine to air medicine would be difficult. The transition of working inside the confined space of an aircraft, vs. inside a more spacious ground ambulance, turned out to be more challenging than the clinical side.

As he got more comfortable, he realized how he might be able to streamline part of the job.  From pharmacology calculations to burn […]

Yes, Gabe Has an App for That! 2021-08-23T19:17:10-04:00


STAT MedEvac Frank Guyette


“Living in Pittsburgh, I am a huge Mr. Rogers fan and that’s the thing. He said,” When there are bad things happening, look for the helpers.” I always want to be a helper.” 

Meet Dr. Frank Guyette , MD MPH, STAT MedEvac’s Medical Director. He has been with STAT MedEvac for 19 years and counting. Guyette’s first four years was as a flight physician during residency and fellowship. After that, he climbed the ranks to become the associate medical director for 6 years. For the last ten years, Dr. Guyette has been the STAT MedEvac Medical Director. Get to know more of Dr. Frank Guyette with the following Q&A: 

How has your background on public safety shaped over the years? 

I come from a family of first responders. My grandfather was a firefighter, and my father is a police officer. When I was 15 years old, I joined our local rescue squad and became an EMT. I continued to pursue that interest through college, and I realized I wanted to […]

A STAT MEDEVAC LIFE-CHANGER SPOTLIGHT:   Dr. Frank Guyette 2021-07-14T04:13:44-04:00

STAT MedEvac AirPod – Predesignated Landing Zones

Bill Horner, STAT MedEvac Pilot and Regional Manager, discusses the importance of predesignated landing zones as well as some tips for landing zone marking and operations.  Should flares be used? Why does there need to be a ground contact before landing?  How does the pilot and flight crew recon a landing zone before landing?


STAT MedEvac AirPod – Predesignated Landing Zones2021-07-12T12:49:41-04:00

STAT MedEvac Helicopters: An Integral Part of the Team Part 1

Currently, STAT MedEvac has eighteen helicopter base sites in operation daily. These locations include Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, western New York, Washington, DC, and Baltimore. We transport about 10,000 patients annually, and to operate effectively, we utilize twenty-five helicopters. Our fleet includes all Airbus helicopters: EC-135T2+ and EC135T3 (commonly known as the H135) and the BK117C-2 (commonly known as EC-145.

These aircraft are all twin engine models and feature a computer system that can help reduce the workload on the pilot. From startup to shutdown, this system provides optimized performance, safety, and fuel efficiency.

Our helicopters have a maximum cruise speed of 120 knots, which is approximately 138 miles per hour. This varies depending on altitude, temperature, humidity, load, and the winds aloft. Most flights are conducted at an altitude of 2000 feet above ground level (AGL), but the helicopters have the ability to fly […]

STAT MedEvac Helicopters: An Integral Part of the Team Part 12021-06-16T03:51:14-04:00
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