STAT MedEvac Staff

About STAT MedEvac Staff

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So far STAT MedEvac Staff has created 152 blog entries.

Intuition – Have you used it in patient care? Was it right?

Kim Chestney Intuition STAT MedEvac

You can discover it. It’s right inside you; you just need to know where to look. Every person in the world who has done anything extraordinary has used the power of insight. I call this “new intuition” or “radical” intuition. It is a much bigger vision of intuition than we have understood in the past ~ placing our inner guidance, or genius, as a vital complement to the intellect. – Kim Chestney, Intuition Specialist

For more information:


Intuition – Have you used it in patient care? Was it right?2022-06-02T20:19:49-04:00

Employee Profile: Allan Slagle NREMT-P, FP-C

Allan Slagle NREMT-P, FP-C
Years of Service – 3
  • Allan spends most of his days off chasing his toddler around.
  • He loves climbing and often has a bouldering pad in his trunk during the summer months.
  • Allan has been to the northeastern and southeastern tips of the continental US.
  • He knows how to cook paella.
  • Even though Allan lived in Colorado for 5 years, he never learned to ski until moving to PA, then he became a ski instructor!
Employee Profile: Allan Slagle NREMT-P, FP-C2022-04-01T16:18:51-04:00

Shaun Eggleton, RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN, CEN

Shaun Eggleton, RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN, CEN
Years at STAT MedEvac: 5
  • Shaun is currently enrolled in classes to obtain his Masters in Nursing.
  • He was the first CCT Ground nurse for STAT MedEvac.
  • Shaun tries to run away from Pennsylvania as much as possible and go on cruises.
  • He owns 3 aquariums, 2 of which are saltwater.
Shaun Eggleton, RN, BSN, PHRN, CFRN, CEN2022-04-19T01:53:27-04:00

Night Shift Work, Fatigue, Poor Sleep, and Cardiovascular Health

Night shifts often entail working past midnight into the early morning hours and is a common feature of shift schedules for most in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and other sectors of public safety.

For those in EMS who frequently work night shifts on a regular basis, or occasionally on a rotating schedule, fatigue and daytime sleepiness are common – especially during the early morning hours. Fatigue related to shift work can carry over into the post-shift work period and impact how alert, sleepy, and fatigued one feels during the first 24 hours post-shift – the recovery period, which sometimes does not feel much like recovery.

Shift work is not going away. Our society operates 24 hours-a-day and emergencies are not scheduled. All who work in public safety, including EMS, understand that we must be available at all hours and quickly respond to the needs of the acutely ill and injured. […]

Night Shift Work, Fatigue, Poor Sleep, and Cardiovascular Health2022-03-09T18:08:02-05:00

Eating Healthy & Taking Care of Yourself When Working Odd Shifts

Pittsburgh’s favorite dietician, Leslie Bonci, creator of Active Eating Advice, talks about trying to eat healthy and take care of yourself when working those odd shifts, only having access to vending machine or fast food.


Eating Healthy & Taking Care of Yourself When Working Odd Shifts2022-02-23T23:57:41-05:00

Maria Mancano, MedeVac 4, Was the First Female EMS Pilot in Pittsburgh

Maria Mancano

She may have been the first female EMS pilot in Pittsburgh but, she sees herself as more than that! Maria was based at M-4. On this podcast, she reflects on her time at STAT MedEvac, the friends she made and how it impacted her life in a positive way.


Maria Mancano, MedeVac 4, Was the First Female EMS Pilot in Pittsburgh2022-03-28T20:12:09-04:00

EMS Trend Survey 2022 – Please Complete

In a time of continuous change, it’s as important as ever to explore the perspectives of those in EMS. The EMS Trend Report, now in its seventh year, helps us understand and mitigate the impact of the many challenges faced by the industry. We encourage all members of the EMS community to weigh in on this survey with their observations, attitudes, and practices. The last day to fill out the survey has been extended to this Friday, February 25, 2022!

The questionnaire will only take about 10 minutes to complete online, and you will not need to review or access detailed data from your agency to complete the survey.

Please complete the short survey here. Your response is confidential and will be used to create summary values for publication in the 2022 EMS Trend Report.


EMS Trend Survey 2022 – Please Complete2022-02-22T21:01:00-05:00

Freedom House Ambulance’s Untold Story of Unprecedented Innovation

The story of Freedom House Ambulance is little known to many, but it pioneered the forefronts of mobile emergency medical services in the start of the 1960s for public safety professionals. Founded in 1967, Freedom House Ambulance served Pittsburgh citizens in the Hill District and the Northside when national standards for ambulances and paramedics did not exist yet.

In a time where skills for a professional paramedic were nonexistent, Pittsburgh police officers provided ambulance service for the city by transporting patients in the back of the police cars. The revolution for better medical care was advanced by Phillip Hallen, president of The Faulk Foundation from 1963-1999, along with various dedicated helping hands. Freedom House Ambulance was designed to provide unemployed African Americans with careers through the help of Morton Coleman of the Pittsburgh mayor’s office and the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work. At the time, Hallen involved James McCoy, president of […]

Freedom House Ambulance’s Untold Story of Unprecedented Innovation2022-01-19T18:17:42-05:00

Nora’s Tri-Community Trailblazing

Women-led directors in EMS are few and far between in the public safety industry. For Nora Helfrich, RN, EMT-P, recently retired EMS director for Tri-Community South EMS, she worked her way up to become a leader in her organization, the state of Pennsylvania, and beyond.

Tri-Community South EMS was established in 1977 as the result of an effort to improve medical care in the communities of Bethel Park, South Park and Upper St. Clair in Pennsylvania.

Helfrich joined Tri-Community South EMS in 1980 and became the director in 2000. After a nearly 42-year colorful, stepping-stone EMS career, she retired in October 2021.

Early in her career, she started as a volunteer with Tri-Community South EMS and worked her way up until she held every position within the organization in the beginning as a part-time EMT to full-time EMT. From there, she attended a paramedic program at community college, graduated, and earned her […]

Nora’s Tri-Community Trailblazing2021-12-02T14:31:58-05:00


What exactly is community? A sense of belonging? An identity shared amongst your peers? Or this overabounding sense of unity under the veil of uplifting one another? In many ways, it is the combination of all three. As Veteran’s Day approaches, we transition into this sense of vulnerability, understanding that our daily struggles pale in comparison to the efforts of our soldiers, both domestic and abroad. Our peaceful existence is at the hands of the brave men and women who don our nation’s colors and fight in the name of our freedom. Our community hinges upon our security but this security also transcends to the homeland when these defenders of freedom return back to civilian life.  

At this intersection, is where we find Master Pilot Nick Hardy and his 30+ years of helicopter experience. Serving in the Army as a Pilot from 1990-2001, […]

FROM OVERSEAS TO OVERSEEING2021-11-11T13:36:42-05:00
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