STAT MedEvac Staff

About STAT MedEvac Staff

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So far STAT MedEvac Staff has created 152 blog entries.

Employee Profile: Lindsay Palm


Lindsay Palm NRP, FP-C

Professional Flight Paramedic

Years of Service – 2.5  

 Fun facts: 

  • Lindsay actually coordinated her senior picture on the helipad at UPMC Presby with Dan Nakles when she was a senior at Pitt. She had no idea she’d be working for STAT just three years later!
  • She started in the midst of the pandemic, so Lindsay had never flown in a helicopter prior to her first day at STAT MedEvac!
  • Lindsay finished nursing school a few months ago and also works as an RN in the Trauma/Surgical ICU at UPMC Presby.
  • In her off time, she enjoys spending time outside with her Great Dane, Aries and exploring Pittsburgh.
Employee Profile: Lindsay Palm2023-05-01T15:17:00-04:00

History of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week


Last week was National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. It’s held annually during the second week of April to honor public safety telecommunicators for their commitment, service and sacrifice. NPSTW originated in 1981 with longtime dispatcher, Patricia Anderson, of the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office in California who stood up for her fellow “dispatchers” and acknowledged how hard they work.  


One afternoon in 1981, Contra Costa County Sheriff Richard Rainey wanted to acknowledge his administrative staff by treating them all to lunch. Traditionally, the administrative staff was never to let their lines go unanswered, so they would transfer their calls to dispatch after hours. Dispatch would just tell the caller to call back during business hours, which generally didn’t impact the dispatch center because the volume was very low, but it did on this one particular instance.  

History of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week2023-04-21T11:31:50-04:00

Donate Life Blue and Green Day

As April comes to a close, we want to remember the importance of this month; It’s National Donate Life Month. In the United States, every nine minutes someone joins the national transplant waiting list. Unfortunately, every day in the United States, 17 people on that list pass away waiting for an organ. It’s truly a sad statistic, but there is hope, thanks to organ donors.  

Living donation is a transplant option that can reduce wait times on the transplant waiting list and save lives with those who are in end-stage liver or kidney failure. The liver has the unique ability to regrow in just a few months, giving both the donor and the recipient a fully functioning liver. In addition, we may be born with two kidneys, but our body is capable of living with only one, […]

Donate Life Blue and Green Day2023-04-28T23:27:28-04:00

STAT MedEvac Podcast – Dog Therapy With Hollee Russell

STAT MedEvac Podcast

Our own Hollee Russell has been a self-proclaimed “crazy dog lady” for as long as she can remember. As she puts it, she has had “the honor of being on the other end of a the leash” of her dogs. She has  trained for numerous situations and has trained additional dogs and handlers.  She tells her story in this episode of STAT AirPod.

Listen and subscribe to our podcast.

STAT MedEvac Podcast – Dog Therapy With Hollee Russell2023-04-19T15:19:00-04:00

Employee Profile: Sydney Brunk


Senior Professional Flight Nurse II

Years of Service – 5 ½


  • Sydney loves to solo-travel and rock climb! Her favorite place so far was the Dolomites in Italy!
  • She has a 70lb Bernedoodle named Abby who is in training to be a therapy dog. They are hoping to be able to work with first responders someday!
  • Sydney has her motorcycle license and has been riding anything from sport bikes to trikes for almost 15 years.
  • Sydney is a self-proclaimed board game nerd. Some of her favorites are Settlers of Catan and 7 Wonders.
  • Sydney is the only nurse in her family and she is thankful she chose the nursing profession every single day.
Employee Profile: Sydney Brunk2023-04-12T18:45:25-04:00

National Nutrition Month: Niki Campbell Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach and Personal Trainer

Our guest is Niki Campbell, CEO of The Flourish Group.  Niki is a nutritionist, certified health coach and personal trainer and the company specializes in delivering health coaching to executives, entrepreneurs and other senior-level professionals.

It really focuses on five areas, sleep, stress, hydration, and food and fitness. Hi there. My name’s Nikki Campbell, and I’m the owner of a company called The Flourish Group. And I am a dietetic professional, so a nutrition professional as well as a certified personal trainer and health coach. And the people I work with primarily are busy professionals, and in that group include healthcare workers, first responders, people who work shifts people who have high stress careers. And I actually kind of thrive on that because I find the challenge of helping people who are helping others really to be very fulfilling. So […]

National Nutrition Month: Niki Campbell Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach and Personal Trainer2023-04-10T16:19:42-04:00

Employee Profile: John Lovett

John W. Lovett

Director, Communications

Years of Services – 21

John is starting his 34th year in EMS!

He has held the positions of:

  • Flight Nurse
  • Base Site Coordinator
  • Base Site Manager
  • Compliance Manager
  • Director, Clinical
  • Director, Medical Operations
  • Director, Communications

John is also the Privacy Officer for STAT MedEvac.

 John’s free time is spent remodeling a farm/farmhouse from the early 1800s.

Employee Profile: John Lovett2023-03-15T19:13:35-04:00

International Womens Day: A Look Back at our Podcast with Maria Mancano, First Female EMS Pilot in Pittsburgh

We had Maria on our podcast in 2022. She may have been the first female EMS pilot in Pittsburgh, but she sees herself as more than that! Maria was based at M-4. On this podcast, she reflects on her time at STAT MedEvac, the friends she made and how it impacted her life in a positive way.

Listen to the podcast or read her full interview here.

Maria:I ‘m Maria Mancano, a former STAT medevac pilot. I was stationed in Oregon flying, logging support for Columbia Helicopters, and my father asked if there was a way that I could get work closer to home.

I’m Maria Mancano, a former STAT medevac pilot. My tour duty at stat was between the years of 1993 and 1999. So in order to become an EMS helicopter pilot, the flight hour requirements and technical experience can […]

International Womens Day: A Look Back at our Podcast with Maria Mancano, First Female EMS Pilot in Pittsburgh2023-04-10T16:20:52-04:00

Being Aware of Compassion Fatigue in Yourself and Your Peers

In this episode, compassion fatigue expert, Sharise Nance, discusses the idea of the potential to become a mentally fatigued caregiver simply because of the day-to-day operations of caring for patients.  She makes us aware of how to sense it in ourselves as well as our peers.  You can find more about Sharise on her website,

Listen and subscribe to our podcast.

Being Aware of Compassion Fatigue in Yourself and Your Peers2023-03-06T17:08:34-05:00

Employee Profile: Joshua Fetters

Joshua Fetters

Aviation Records Coordinator/Master Mechanic

Years of Service – 15 

  • Josh was a Site Mechanic at MedEvac 3 before moving to the Records Dept in 2022.
  • His hobbies are too many to list, but they include mountain and road biking, whitewater kayaking, rock climbing, trail running, Muay Thai, motorcycles, and classic cars.
  • Josh has climbed Mount Rainier!
  • He has a Boston Terrier named Dozer, a Border Collie mix named Tucker, 2 cats- Meela and Stevie Licks, and 2 chinchillas.
  • His favorite vacation places are Costa Rica and Hawaii.
  • Josh […]
Employee Profile: Joshua Fetters2023-03-01T21:18:56-05:00
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